\ Variables: Ratings, Price, and Risk THE ENHANCED ROLE OF REVIEWS FOR 3. Reviews Have a Greater HIGHER-CONSIDERATION PRODUCTS: Conversion Impact For Cheap Slope Expensive Slope Higher-Consideration Items Most Likely Baby Food to Purchase Our research showed that reviews have a greater impact on purchase likelihood for high-consideration products than for low-consideration products. Least Likely to Purchase 1 2 3 4 5 Price is one of the primary factors that determines how Average Star Rating “risky” a purchase is, but it is not the only factor. Other factors that might cause a consumer to spend more energy evaluating a purchase decision—and hence rely Weight Loss more heavily on reviews—include: Most Likely to Purchase • How much the product affects health and safety • How much the product reflects the consumer’s personal identity Least Likely to Purchase • Whether the product is a recurring or habitual 1 2 3 4 5 purchase for the consumer Average Star Rating • Whether it is a recently introduced product or brand Star ratings have a stronger influence on purchase likelihood for expensive items than cheaper items in the same category. For both baby food and weight loss products, the slope of the purchase likelihood line was significantly steeper for expensive options than for cheaper options. 8 \ How Online Reviews Influence Sales \ spiegel.medill.northwestern.edu

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