B2B BUYERS RELY MORE ON CONTENT FOR RESEARCH, DEMAND GREATER RELEVANCY Content is still of paramount importance to self-educating B2B buyers, according to this year’s survey findings, but those who relied more on content to research buying decisions is leveling off. It’s necessary to factor it into their day-to-day. Forty-seven percent of B2B buyers relied more on content to research buying 47% decisions this year, while 50% said their reliance on content for buying-decision research is about the same year over year. of buyers rely However, they’re asking marketers to provide relevant content tailored to them: more on content to • 67% of buyers prefer content organized by business role research and make • 64% prefer content organized by industry B2B purchasing • 49% prefer content by specific vertical decisions. Compared to a year ago, do you now rely more or less on content to research and make B2B purchasing decisions? 47% 50% 3% More Less About the same 2017 Content Preferences Survey Report • 4