8 Where do B2B buyers find reviews? Searching for B2B services isn’t as easy as it is in B2C where you’re given thousands of options through department stores or other third-party online retailers, especially when you want the unbiased opinions of real users . So, where do B2B buyers go for these reviews? Over the past five years, review sites have continued to emerge and play a major role in the B2B buyer’s search for unbiased reviews, so much so that 60% of buyers use them and 82% find them to be very valuable in their research. Qualities of a valuable review website 67% 54% 44% 39% want want want want a good mix a site that is easy a site that has a a site that provides of positive and to navigate and significant amount a ranking of potential negative reviews understand of data to review companies based on the reviews 2 CROWD

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